This time, we sent an air fryer to our youngest granddaughter, the cheapest thing on her registry. Eloise called us, livid, accusing us of being cheap. I remember picking up her call and she didn’t even say hi, she just started ranting, “Seriously, Grandma? I just got your gift. An air fryer? That’s the cheapest thing you could find on my registry!”
I was taken aback because as much as the air fryer was the cheapest on their registry, I still thought it’d be useful to them, so I told her that. Eloise kept on complaining, “Useful? Come on, you know you can do better than that. Everyone knows you have the money. I just can’t believe you’d be this cheap with me. It’s embarrassing.”
In this heated moment, I told her, “Yes, you’re right. We are cheap, old, and useless. The only thing you DIDN’T know is that the day before the wedding, we were going to gift you a check for $40,000.”
I revealed this in an attempt to explain to Eloise about the cash gift we usually give our grandkids before the wedding but she was so angry at this point, that she wasn’t listening to a thing I said. I speculated that maybe she didn’t believe we would gift her such an amount of money after only buying her an air fryer.
Eventually, she said, “No, it’s clear. You just don’t love me enough to show it. You know how much pressure I’m under with the wedding. And then, this? It’s like you don’t even care,” then she hung up.
Despite my husband and I’s shock at Eloise’s reaction, we then bought her a China set, hoping to appease her, but decided against giving her the $40,000, feeling she hadn’t earned it.
Fast forward to last week. Eloise talked to her brother and found out that we were telling her the truth about the money. After confirming it with her cousins, she, called again, accusing us of discrimination, “I just found out that it’s true you gave the money to everyone else when they got married. Why didn’t I get anything?”
We stood firm, explaining our stance was due to her initial reaction, “We felt after your reaction to the wedding gift, it wasn’t right to go ahead and gift you the money.” Eloise pleaded trying to convince us otherwise, “So, you’re punishing me? Is that it? Because I was upset about an air fryer?”
I was angry that she didn’t even understand what she did wrong. “It wasn’t about the air fryer, Eloise. It was how you spoke to us, the disrespect. That’s not something we expected or can support,” I explained.
Eloise implored us, nearly in tears, “But that’s so unfair! I was stressed, Grandma. Planning a wedding is hard, and I just snapped. I didn’t mean any of it.” I felt like she should have only apologized to us instead of finding excuses to justify her behavior.
However, I told her, “We understand that it’s a stressful time, but actions and words have consequences. We hoped you’d understand the value of family and love over material things.” Full of desperation, Eloise added, “But you don’t understand! Can’t we just forget all this happened? I need that money, Grandma.”
She pleaded, threatened to boycott Christmas, and accused us of cutting her off but we didn’t budge. In the end, I expressed, “We love you very much. This has nothing to do with cutting you off. We just hope you’ll reflect on this and understand why we made our decision.”
Now, Eloise has followed up on her threat and she’s boycotting Christmas. Her mother, who is our daughter-in-law, is siding with her, calling us unreasonable. However, we feel that after all we have done for Eloise, the air fryer gift, shouldn’t have triggered this reaction.
For context, we had already paid for her college, and her parents covered her graduate school and half the wedding. Additionally, she and her husband are financially comfortable and do not desperately need our money.
We’re also not upset with our grandkids for revealing the cash gift since she is among the group of family members who are allowed to know about it. Our reason for sending the air fryer earlier was that we live far away, so we always send our gifts early.
The wedding gift is also separate from the money, which we give with the hope it will be used for something significant, like a home. Now, we feel like the action we took towards Eloise was well deserved and we are not going back on our decisions even if she and her mom threaten to do their worst.
Despite the tumultuous events and Eloise’s refusal to understand our perspective, my husband and I stand by our decision. Love and respect in our family are paramount, and we hoped this situation would be a learning experience for her.
The holidays might be quieter this year with her family’s absence, but our hope is for healing and understanding in the future. Our door and hearts remain open to Eloise, whenever she’s ready to mend fences.
Want more like this? Click here to read about a grandmother who sparked controversy online because she doesn’t bring her grandchildren gifts when she visits.
Optical Illusion: You Have To Find The 2 Hidden Cats In This Family Scene

Anyone can spot the family, but you possess exceptional intelligence and perfect vision if you can locate the two concealed cats within 13 seconds.
Enter the realm of visual puzzles where intelligence meets perception.
In this captivating optical illusion, nestled within a seemingly ordinary family scene, lie two elusive felines waiting to be discovered.
With their cunning camouflage, these hidden cats challenge even the sharpest minds to uncover their whereabouts.
As you engage with the intricacies of this image, your cognitive faculties are put to the test, requiring not just keen observation but also strategic analysis.
From the arrangement of objects to the play of light and shadow, every detail holds a clue, beckoning you to unravel the mystery concealed within.
As you delve into this enigmatic tableau, prepare to embark on a journey of mental agility and sleuthing prowess.
Sharpen your focus, embrace the challenge, and let the hunt for the hidden cats begin!
Optical Illusion: There Are 2 Hidden Cats In This Family Scene That You Have To Find

While the family gathers in the living room, the real challenge lies in detecting the two elusive cats cunningly concealed among them.
Achieving success demands impeccable vision and acute powers of observation.
Undoubtedly, this brain teaser ranks among the most formidable ever devised.
The complexities woven into this image elevate the difficulty level, confounding even the most adept puzzle solvers.
Despite its seemingly ordinary appearance, cracking this puzzle is far from straightforward, with most individuals surrendering after a mere minute of effort.
You risk mirroring their path to frustration and failure without giving your utmost. Prepare yourself, set the timer, and put your puzzle-solving prowess to the test.
However, exercise caution, for only the keenest of eyes and the most resolute of minds will prevail, requiring unwavering composure.
Rushing through may lead to errors, so meticulously examine every image detail.
Should you seek assistance, consider breaking the image into manageable sections, methodically scanning each from left to right.
Yet, did you realize that unraveling optical illusions is a potent brain-training exercise, enhancing creative cognition?
These brain teasers are ingeniously crafted to deceive our perception, serving as litmus tests for intelligence.
Challenges like this, demanding the discovery of hidden images within images, foster the brain’s capacity to decipher ambiguity.
The Answer Is Below!
Ah, the clever camouflage of the elusive felines revealed!
One of the cunning cats was stealthily nestled near the man’s foot, while the other lay concealed upon the woman’s lap.
Their subtle positions amidst the familial scene tested the limits of perception and observation.

Yet, with keen eyes and perseverance, the mystery has been unraveled, and the hidden cats are brought into the light.
Such intricate details within the image elevate the challenge and reward the sharp-eyed with a triumphant sense of discovery.
What do you think about it? Do let us know in the comments.
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