My Children Returned Home to Discover Our Neighbors Dumping Dirt into Our Lake, Fate Dealt with Them Before I Had the Chance

When Bethany moved into her dream home with her two sons, Austin and Sheldon, she imagined peaceful days by the lake. However, their neighbors, Oswald and Patricia, quickly turned their new life into a nightmare. Just when things seemed hopeless, an unexpected turn of events taught the neighbors a memorable lesson.

Bethany was excited to give her boys, ages 10 and 12, a life filled with nature. The beautiful backyard lake was a big part of that dream. The boys were eager to fish and boat, begging for a canoe. The first few weeks were wonderful. The kids enjoyed catching frogs and playing by the water. But soon, they met Oswald and Patricia, who clearly disapproved of their presence. Oswald accused them of “hogging” the lake, claiming it was his and warning them to keep away.

Confused and hurt, Bethany tried to explain that the realtor had said they all shared access to the lake. But Oswald only grew more hostile, declaring that if he saw the kids near the water again, there would be consequences.

With a heavy heart, Bethany had to tell her sons to stay away from the lake, which devastated them. Just a few days later, while they were fishing, Oswald yelled at them, claiming they were polluting his lake with their fishing gear. The boys were shocked and upset.

Then one day, Bethany spotted Oswald erecting a fence down the middle of the lake, dividing it. Furious, she confronted him, explaining that the lake belonged to both properties. Oswald dismissed her concerns, insisting he would do whatever he wanted.

Feeling defeated, Bethany took the boys to visit her sister for a night, hoping the neighbors would back off. However, when they returned, they found an excavator filling in their half of the lake with dirt.

Panic set in as Bethany rushed to the workers, demanding they stop. One worker told her they were just following orders. To her horror, Oswald appeared, smiling as he claimed he was getting rid of the lake because it lowered his property value.

As the excavator worked, the water level on Oswald’s side began to rise rapidly, flooding his yard and soon his house. He yelled for help as chaos unfolded around him. The workers panicked as they realized they had miscalculated the water displacement. Watching Oswald struggle in the rising water filled Bethany with a sense of justice. Once the workers left, she quickly hired her own team to restore her section of the lake.

Within days, the water was back to normal, and the boys were happily fishing and playing again. Meanwhile, Oswald and Patricia had to leave their home for weeks to repair the damage caused by the flooding. In the end, Bethany felt relieved that the ordeal was over. Her sons could enjoy their little slice of nature again, and she was reminded that sometimes, karma finds a way to balance things out.

Scientists Say the ‘Soul’ Does Not Die, it ‘Returns to the Universe’

Since the beginning of time, humans have asked the question: “What happens to us after we die?”.
Religious or spiritual people often believe in a heaven or afterlife. Some believe that nothing happens to us; we just die. Others, however, believe that our souls live on after we die. A couple of researchers say that they have the science to that this might be a possibility. (1)

The Soul Doesn’t Die When Our Bodies Do
After extensive research, two experts are saying that while our bodies die, our consciousness – or our soul – lives on forever. Quantum mechanics, they say, makes this possible. Quantum mechanics is the science dealing with the behavior of matter at the atomic and subatomic levels. It accounts for the properties of molecules and atoms, and the things that make them. (2) This includes (2):

Other esoteric particles
Scientists Stuart Hameroff and Sir Roger Penrose say consciousness is simply information stored at this quantum level. (1)

Orchestrated Objective Reduction
The pair say that this storage process is Orchestrated Objective Reduction (Orch-OR). This is via a structural component of human cells, protein-based microtubules, that carry quantum information. (1, 3)

“Let’s say the heart stops beating, the blood stops flowing; the micro-tubules lose their quantum state,” explains Dr. Hameroff. “The quantum information within the micro-tubules is not destroyed, it can’t be destroyed, and it just distributes and dissipates to the universe at large.” (1)

He says that if the person is resuscitated, then the information just goes back into the microtubules, and the person becomes conscious again. This is what we call a “near-death experience.” If, instead, the patient dies, then their consciousness can possibly exist outside of the body as a soul. (1)

Our Physical Universe Is Just Our Perception
Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Physics in Munich say that there is an infinite beyond after death. According to them, the world we live in is just our perception and that our souls go into this infinite beyond when our bodies die. (1)

“What we consider the here and now, this world, it is actually just the material level that is comprehensible,” says Dr Hans-Peter Durr from the institute. “The beyond is an infinite reality that is much bigger.” (1)

Hameroff and Penrose’s research shows that consciousness comes from deeper level microtubule vibrations. This not only helps us to better understand what the human consciousness is, but may also help treat mental, neurological, and cognitive conditions. (3)

What do you think? Do you think our souls live on after we die?

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