Most likely the worst guess in Wheel of Fortune history is this one

losses. If you were the contest winner, or even if you just did ok, you would want everyone to see the show. A participant who was directly involved in the latter situation would rather not take part in the program once more. So what should you do in these circumstances? Shall you hide your face in shame or laugh?

The Worst Mistake on the Fortune Wheel

Regardless of how a competitor handles it, it does provide the audience with a good amount of entertainment. Matt, a Wheel of Fortune contestant, just made what was probably the worst mistake in the history of the show. Matt gave a really elaborate performance on this particular episode. He won in the end and received $23,350, in case you missed it, so he probably doesn’t feel too horrible about his horrible error in this episode.

However, that kind of horrible error often overshadows the entire episode. The three participants’ goal in this particular round was to complete a word problem as fast as they could. The puzzle consisted of three words in the category “people.” There are two alternatives available to participants: they can try to guess a single letter or the complete sentence. In reference to Matt, he asked if the sentence contained the letter “N.” It was, and here is how the issue manifested itself: N_ T – _ N _ R _ T _ _ N TH_

It required a moment for him to deduce what the term might be. To everyone’s surprise, he answered with a term that didn’t contain a “N.” “The Greatest Buttercut,” he pronounced. It’s unclear exactly what Buttercut meant to say, but it was obvious that his statement didn’t fit the puzzle! The selected answer was THE NEXT GENERATION. You can see the amusing error here:

There Are Still More Mistakes That Need to Be Fixed

However, Matt is not the only Wheel of Fortune participant to have made a humiliating mistake. Since the show’s 1975 premiere, several notable blunders have occurred. Kevin, a contestant in 2017, approaching the word puzzle. In “A STREETCAR NA_ED DESIRE,” the play’s title, he just needed to finish one letter. After he turned, he was able to select a consonant. Kevin made the decision to say, “Naked,” much to everyone’s surprise and hilarity. Of course, the answer was A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE.

In 2009, Sacramento, California native Lolita McAuley was participating in a speed round. This suggests that the letters would appear on the board at random after each interval of time. The winner is the first person to buzz and guess the entire answer. Lolita was faced with the following under the “Thing” category: S_LF-PO_T_ _ _T. McAuley buzzed in response, saying, “SELF-POTATO.” Again, a puzzling and entertaining reply. The appropriate reaction was SELF-POTRAIT.

Julian, a University of Indiana student, was on track to win $1 million more recently, in 2014, following many lucky spins. To access a unique version meant just for college students, he simply needed to utter the words “mythological hero Achilles.” Sadly, he mispronounced it; instead of saying “AY-chill-es,” it should have been pronounced “AH-kil-ies.” After that, he had to fill in the blank: “WORLD’S FASTEST A.” In this case, he chose “c” even though “man” was the final word. When he finally reached the “things” area, he had to make a “on-the-spot decision.” His guess of “On-the-spot dicespin” was the weakest one he made.

Do you think Matt’s mistake was as big as these current ones? Tell us in the section that follows!

What the Acne on 8 Body Parts Is Trying to Tell You About Your Lifestyle Habits

Acne really can determine what happened to your body and what health problems you may have. But in most cases, it is all caused by very simple lifestyle matters that can easily be changed right away. The thing to do is to figure out what triggered another pimple and what we can do today to prevent it from occurring in the future.

We at Bright Side have checked out the causes and would like to share this useful knowledge with you that’ll change your life from now on. But please keep in mind that this article is for informational purposes only. Please consult your doctor before you take any action or treatment.

1. Around the mouth

Acne around your mouth can occur if the skin in this area is irritated or frequently touched, like, by a cell phone or some other objects like helmet straps or musical instruments. Different cosmetics and facial products might also be the cause. As well as hormones and genetics.

First of all, if it appears frequently, see a dermatologist who will find a proper treatment that will work for you. But in any case, it’s always better to prevent it rather than to cure it. So make cleaning your skin with a gentle or mild cleanser twice a day a routine. Use makeup labeled as “non-comedogenic” (non-pore-clogging) and oil-free products, and please avoid touching your face.

2. On the nose

Our nose is one of the most common areas of the face to develop acne. It’s because its pores are typically larger, which makes it easier for dirt and bacteria to clog them up. What’s more, the skin here is also oilier and consequently more vulnerable to acne.

Nose acne can be triggered by diet, stress, and certain medications. Sometimes it can be a sign of more serious underlying health issues. But the most common cause is poor hygiene. So it’s always good to add some Tea Tree Oil to your routine, which is a very gentle and effective treatment against acne, or sodium sulfacetamide and sulfur which will prevent bacteria on the skin from multiplying. In very severe cases, consult a dermatologist.

3. On the forehead

The significant factor here is the same — an increase in oil production on your skin. But sometimes, it’s hard to figure out why it happens. Especially if you don’t take certain medications, and it’s not hormones or stress. It is interesting to know that our hair can be the source of forehead acne.

If your hair is oily, the oil can get on your forehead and clog its pores. Different pomades, gels, and waxes also may be the cause as they often contain cocoa butter or coconut oil and can leave your skin extra oily. A gentle cleanser can solve this problem. If it doesn’t help, try to avoid any oily hair products and just wash your hair more often.

4. Jaw and neck

If you think that acne, in general, may be hormonal, there’s good news for you: it’s not all like that. When certain hormone levels change, it can lead to increased androgens — the common contributing factor to adult acne. But there are some areas that are true indicators of hormonal fluctuations, and they include our jaws and neck.

It’s completely okay if fluctuations happen during menstrual cycles. It can also be caused by taking medications like birth control. In severe cases, it may be a medical condition, but most of the time a non-comedogenic cleanser, moisturizer, and acne treatment can solve the issue. Just like basic sun safety and proper sunscreen use.

5. On cheeks

Cheek acne is also a very common problem, especially now that we all have cell phones. Yes, not just touching your face, but even a mere phone conversation can cause some pimples to appear in this area. Phones are great at spreading bacteria. As well as dirty pillowcases and sheets and other objects that come into contact with your skin.

Cheek acne may be hormonal. But it is way more possible that it’s being caused by certain lifestyle habits. So this time, everything can be solved by a few simple changes. Like wiping down your phone before each use and not taking it to any germy places like the bathroom. Changing pillowcases and sheets every week is also a good idea, just like washing your hands regularly.

6. On your back

Back acne can be a mere allergy to sunscreen, moisturizer, body creams, massage oils, and wax. It also may be caused by our sweat, which mixes up with oil and toxins on our skin and clogs the pores. That’s why a quick shower after training is so important. And a proper washing of your back is a must.

Dirty clothes, blankets, and pillows can become a major cause of back acne as well. Clothes that are too tight are also a bad idea. They don’t allow your skin to breathe, which can cause irritation and, consequently, pimples on your back. If there is no obvious outer cause, it is better to pay attention to your diet and check to see whether you are getting sufficient nutrients. Stress could be the cause here too.

7. On legs

Acne is mainly the result of bacteria, sebum, and dead skin cells trapped in hair follicles and clogging the pores. It leads to inflammation and, on the legs, is entirely a physical issue. It’s typically caused by some athletic equipment rubbing against your skin or clothing or undergarments that are too tight.

But be cautious. People can often confuse acne on their legs with similar conditions as folliculitis, eczema, or keratosis pilaris. So if it is itchy and painful, it’s better to consult a doctor and use a professional treatment.

8. On your chest

Chest acne develops for pretty much the same reasons as on our backs and legs. For instance, if you have sensitive skin, harsh laundry detergents can clog and irritate your hair follicles. So it is better to choose sulfate- and fragrance-free hypoallergenic products when planning your next washing routine.

Wearing clothing that is too tight, or that doesn’t breathe well during your athletic training also can trap sweat, oil, and bacteria in the pores of your skin. This can also happen as a result of using certain body lotions that contain pore-blocking ingredients. So make sure to look for fragrance- and oil-free versions next time. They are usually labeled as non-comedogenic, which means they don’t clog pores.

What other methods do you use to prevent acne on your face and body? Have you managed to do it by changing only certain lifestyle habits?

Preview photo credit natali_ploskaya / Shutterstock.comanastas_ /

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