I Paid $2,000 for a Group Trip Rental—Here’s How I Got My Revenge When No One Paid Me Back

Excitement for the weekend trip quickly turned to frustration when Sarah’s friends didn’t pay their part of the $2,000 cabin rental. But what they didn’t know was that Sarah had a plan to make sure they didn’t get away with it.

Each year, my friends and I plan a girls’ weekend trip. We take turns organizing, and this year was my turn! I was thrilled to find the perfect place: a cute cabin right by a beautiful, sparkling lake.

Everyone was excited and loved the photos I sent. We couldn’t wait!

The place looked like it came straight out of a magazine. It had a cozy cabin with a fireplace, beautiful views of the lake, and even a hot tub.

The total cost was $2,000 for the three-night stay, which came out to just $250 each for our group of eight.

“I went ahead and booked the cabin, so I paid the full amount,” I told my friends. “To keep it simple, I’d appreciate it if you could all pay me back before the trip. Does that work for everyone?”

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“Sounds perfect, Sarah!” Mary was the first to speak up. “Thanks for handling that.”

“Absolutely, no problem at all,” Ella added.

“Great, that works for me too!” said Brittany.

One by one, everyone around the table agreed.

“Yep, sounds good.”

“No worries, I can do that.”

Everyone promised to pay their share before the trip started. It seemed like everything was set and would go smoothly.

Easy, right?


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As the trip got closer, the “easy peasy” quickly became oh-so-frustrating.

First, it was Mary. “Hey Sarah,” she said cheerfully, “my car needs new brakes, so I might be a little late on my payment. I’ll get it to you next week.”

A week later, Brittany spoke up. “Ugh, student loans are killing me this month. Can I hold off until next payday?”

“I just need to wait until my next paycheck,” Melissa added.

Weeks went by, and every time I reminded them to pay me back, they came up with more excuses.

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Each excuse was different, and none of them overlapped. It started to feel like they were all in on this together.

Then came the silence. Nothing. No texts, no calls, not a word from Ella, Dana, or even dependable Lisa.

By the week before the trip, I was out $2,000 and felt completely taken advantage of.

The same people I called my “friends” had quietly refused to pay me back. The people I trusted the most seemed to have teamed up against me.

Why were they doing this?

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Had I done something wrong? Or were they just testing how I’d handle such a tough situation? I didn’t know for sure, but it was making me really angry.

I knew I had to take action, something bold to show them I wasn’t going to be a pushover.

So, I decided it was time to teach them a lesson they wouldn’t forget. I’m not usually one for confrontation, but this situation was beyond ridiculous.

The night before the trip, I took a deep breath, picked up my phone, and started the first step of my plan.

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I sent a group text, full of fake excitement: “Can’t wait to see you all at the cabin tomorrow! It’s going to be the perfect weekend getaway!”

Little did they know, I had a sneaky plan in mind.

The next morning, I woke up extra early and jumped out of bed. I quickly got dressed and rushed out the door, ready to turn the cabin into our own special retreat.

At the grocery store, I pushed my cart down the aisles, gathering everything I needed.

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A giddy smile spread across my face as I filled the cart with fresh fruit, cheese, and enough snacks to feed an army. I even picked out the best wine and juices. I wanted to make sure my friends would be well-fed and comfortable.

After paying for all the snacks and drinks, I got back in my car and drove to the cabin. It was even more stunning in person, with sunlight sparkling on the lake like a million diamonds.

I stocked the fridge with everything I had bought, preparing for the weekend.

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I even set up a bonfire for that night, complete with cozy blankets and marshmallows.

The place looked perfect. I knew my friends would have the time of their lives here.

But here’s the catch: I took the keys and the garage door opener with me when I left for an “errand.”

Before locking up, I texted my friends, saying I had an urgent task and would be back by the time they arrived. They trusted me, just like I trusted them to pay me back.

But they broke my trust, and now, so did I.

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If they wanted to enjoy the weekend at the cabin, they had to follow my rules. They needed to earn their getaway.

I wasn’t going to let them have a good time after they ignored my texts and calls.

By lunchtime, my phone started blowing up with frantic messages and calls from my friends.

“Hey, Sarah, we’re at the cabin, but the doors are locked!” Ella said.

“Did you forget something?” Mary asked.

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I stayed calm and replied with a simple, “Oh no! So sorry, guys. I must have left the keys at home. But hey, the good news is I’m on my way back now!”

Was I really on my way back? No!

I was sitting at a nearby cafe, sipping my favorite iced latte. I enjoyed reading their messages as they arrived at the cabin one after another.

After I sent that last message, the number of their texts started to drop. They felt relieved that I was on my way back, but the truth was very different.

Source: Pexels

As their brief relief faded, they started calling and texting me again. This time, their messages were much more desperate. Some of my friends were angry, while others were trying hard not to lose their cool.

“How can you be so forgetful, Sarah?” Lisa asked.

“I can’t believe you’re making us wait like this!” Dana said. “I thought this was supposed to be a fun trip.”

Finally, I decided it was time to drop the bomb.

I sent a calm message: “Look, I’ll be happy to come back and let you all in, but only once everyone has sent over their share of the rental cost.”

Silence followed.

Then, a flurry of activity.

It seemed that the idea of a fun weekend getaway suddenly mattered more than car troubles, student loans, and all the other excuses they had come up with.

My phone buzzed with Venmo, PayPal, and Zelle notifications as the payments started coming in.

Within an hour, every penny was accounted for.

“You guys could have done this earlier!” I thought to myself as I grabbed the keys and headed back to the cabin.

Their faces lit up when they saw my car. Some walked toward me, while others went to the door.

“Sarah! Finally!” Mary exclaimed, relief clear in her voice.

I stepped out of the car, keys in hand. “Oh, so now I’m ‘finally’ here? How convenient,” I said, my voice full of sarcasm.

The group fell silent, and guilt spread across their faces.

“Look, I’m sorry,” Brittany began. “But you have to understand, I really—”

I cut her off. “No, Brittany. You all made excuses. I trusted you, and you took advantage of that.”

Lisa stepped forward, trying to mediate. “Sarah, we messed up. But can’t we just move on and enjoy the weekend?”

“Enjoy the weekend?” I scoffed. “After you all made me feel like a fool? After I had to practically blackmail you to get my money back?”

“We didn’t mean to hurt you,” Ella said softly. “We just didn’t realize—”

“Didn’t realize what? That $2,000 is a lot of money? That friendships are built on trust and respect?”

A tense silence fell over the group. For a moment, I worried that confronting them was a bad idea. I thought they might say they didn’t want to be there anymore.

I stood my ground despite the fear, letting the weight of my words sink in.

Finally, Mary broke the silence and wrapped me in a big hug.

“Sarah, I’m so sorry about the car thing. You were totally right to be mad.”

Brittany added, “Yeah, me too. I’m sorry. We’re all sorry.”

They all finally understood what they had done.

I took a deep breath and looked at each of them. “I’m glad you see it now. But remember, respect is a two-way street.”

We might not be planning any luxury cabin trips anytime soon, but at least we’ll do it with a new sense of understanding and responsibility.

This whole experience definitely made for a memorable story, even if it wasn’t the relaxing weekend I had planned.

But hey, sometimes the best lessons come wrapped in a little frustration and a lot of determination.

12 People Who Were Right to Trust Their Gut Feeling

Listening to what your intuition is telling you might just keep you safe from harm or sorrow. That’s what people online found out the hard way, when trusting their gut feeling meant a completely different outcome in a serious situation. Their stories are an important reminder for us to believe in our own inner voice.

  • I would always walk down the hallway in the night without turning the lights on. One night I get to the end of the hallway and have a sudden urgent feeling that I need to turn the lights on.
    I go all the way back to my room and turn the hallway light on and go back.
    Just in front of where I had decided to turn around was a huge and deadly Taipan snake making its way from one room to another across the hallway. If it had bitten me in the dark they wouldn’t have been able to get me the correct antivenom. © risska / Reddit
  • I was mowing my backyard with a ride-on mower, and I began to get an overwhelming feeling of being watched. I started looking around and thought I saw a figure in the upstairs window. I tried ignoring this as no one was home and continued with mowing when I started to feel an unbearable sense of dread.
    This made me immediately stop. As I did so, the ground in front of me gave way forming a 15-foot wide 12 foot deep sinkhole. If I hadn’t stopped immediately I likely would have been crushed by the tractor. © MujimIsYou / Reddit
  • My wife and I rented a really nice cabin in Big Sur, California, for a few nights. She woke up panicky and crying (which she never does) over a bad dream. I had an awful feeling after waking up and told her we could go for a drive.
    The further we went, the better we felt. We ended up staying in Monterey for the night. The cabin we were at burnt down. I still get chills writing this years later. © Unknown user / Reddit
  • I asked my mother to take me home early from boy scout camp because I was afraid of bears. A bear ravaged the camp the night I left. Luckily, it didn’t hurt anyone. It just tore everything up from what I was told. © SenatusRomanus / Reddit
  • I’m a firefighter. We got called out to a tree fire started by fallen power lines. We pull up in the truck, and I’m trusting that my driver and crew leader are doing their job and have good situational awareness. We get out of the truck, and we’ve parked next to a set of power lines (not fallen). It’s a very windy night and I can see the lines swinging, so I voice my concerns to my crew leader who says it’ll be fine.
    We get our hose out (risk of the tree fire catching onto a house outweighing potential risk of arcing plus the line disconnected when it fell) and I’m on the branch ready to start putting it out with two others near me when I get a chill. I look up to see the lines swinging violently and yell, “everyone move”. As the three of us sprint and dive out of the way we hear a thwip and crack and sure enough the line we were under came loose and stayed connected to the power pole. If I hadn’t got that chill chances are we would all have died. © DYESMOD / Reddit
  • My daughter was a year and a half at the time. She had a cold, but bedtime went off without a hitch. I woke up in the middle of the night that night, really uncomfortable and anxious. Something was off, and I couldn’t put my finger on it. I got up, had a midnight snack, tried to calm my nerves. I decided to check on my kids, who shared a room, before trying to go back to sleep.
    I get in there, and immediately I hear a light sound coming from her crib—wheezing. It was so quiet, there was no way to hear it outside of the room. I got her up and saw that her breathing was fast and labored. I took her to the hospital, where she ended up with an overnight stay, oxygen, and nebulizer treatments because her oxygen had dipped. She was diagnosed with Reactive Airway Disease due to the cold (which triggered an asthma attack). © Thr33wolfmoon / Reddit

I was riding my motorcycle with a friend on the back. We were going down a country road behind a truck hauling a bunch of old car tires when all of a sudden I decided we shouldn’t be there, so I slowed way down to let the truck go ahead of us. Just as I did, one of the tires fell off the truck and landed right where we would have been. © d***eyeAZ / Reddit

  • When I was two or three, I had nightmares. One night I woke up, went to my foster parents’ room, and informed them that there was a bee under my pillow. “No, there’s not, Arwen. Go back to sleep,” they said. Cue the rivers of tears. Finally, my foster mom goes into my room, switches my light on, says, “There aren’t any bees in here. Look!”
    As she picks up my pillow lo and behold, a bee flew out. My mom shooed the bee out the window as I was sobbing hysterically. She gave me the strangest look and asked how I knew the bee was there. I had no idea. My nightmare was completely unrelated. © Unkown user / Reddit
  • I was like 5 or 6 when my mom and sisters wanted to go for a drive out of town. I cried and cried because I just didn’t want to go with them for some reason, and decided to go with my other sister in her car. Turns out, my mom and other sisters ended up crashing, and they said, “If you were in the car, you would’ve had to sit in the middle, and you would’ve died.” Luckily my family was okay though. But I sure did feel really cool after that. © SnowLeopard000 / Reddit
  • I was driving on the road one night and I saw a car in the middle of the road with two people lying on the ground. My gut feeling was that something is suspicious here, and I decided to act on it by driving past the car and the two people.
    I stop to take my phone out and call the police and I look at my rearview mirror to see the two people lying on the road stand up with five other people coming out of the bushes. © Naweezy / Reddit
  • I met this cute girl on Halloween night, so I invited her to a party I was going to later. She drove with me to the party and I took her two friends too. We talk a little, but we ended up working the room and got split up. I had this sudden overwhelming urge to find her and I ended up getting a little worried.
    Some guy had moved in and had brought her outside and taken her to a semi private area underneath a patio balcony. I didn’t really care what he thought, grabbed her by the hand, acted like it was important and led her out of the party and in to the front yard. We both heard a massive crash as the very large patio collapsed above where she was standing three minutes before.
    I know most certainly that if I hadn’t grabbed her, she wouldn’t exist today. I ended up marrying her, and imagining how it almost never happened in such a dreadful way terrifies me. © Unknown user / Reddit
  • My mom tells this story a lot. She was working in an office, and she suddenly had a powerful urge to leave her cube, just to leave and be somewhere else for no reason. Not a minute later, a fifteen-foot-wide section of the ceiling collapsed, burying the floor in metal and plaster. © Kaleon
    / Reddit

We all have personal stories we’re afraid to share because they sound unbelievable. But some people feel better sharing them anonymously online. We gathered a few of those eerie stories in this article, and they prove that anyone can be deeply affected by spooky situations.

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