Fаrmеr Аnd 16 Соws Fоund Dеаd, Саusе Оf Dеаth Finаlly Disсоvеrеd

Note: we are republishing this story to raise awareness for the Mike Biadasz farm safety and education memorial fund. Learn more at their Facebook page here as well as their website here.

A farmer and 16 of his cattle have died in a freak accident after a “dеаdly dome of air” formed in a Wisconsin farm’s manure holding tank.!!

According to WAOW, a 29-year-old farmer named Michael Biadasz, from Amherst, Wisconsin, died of gas poisoning on his family’s farm after being overcome by fumes of either methane or sulfur oxide. Initially, 13 of the farm’s cattle died as well; later, three more expired, bringing the total to 16 cattle dеаths.

The 29-year-old’s father, Bob Biadasz, co-owner of Biadasz Farms, said that the tragedy was the result of a “perfect storm” of unusual and unexpected weather conditions. When the tank was prepped to be pumped, warm upper air temperatures trapped the gases in a dome of air which then poisoned Michael and the cattle.

Biadasz was reportedly found dеаd when other workers arrived to begin hauling manure away from the tank.

“The family is devastated, absolutely devastated,” Portage County Coroner Scott Rifleman told WAOW.

Rifleman told WSAW that gas poisoning dеаths typically occur in closed areas, making the incident even more surprising. The coroner said that atmospheric pressure prevented the gases from dissipating.

The coroner went on to say that an investigation is underway to determine exactly what caused Biadasz’s dеаth. According to Rifleman, Biadasz had safely emptied the same tank hundreds of times prior to the fatal incident.

The Biadasz family honored Michael by parking a line of tractors and machinery along the road that passes the farm. Among the vehicles parked are a blue tractor, several red trucks, and Michael’s black pickup truck…

“As if there isn’t already enough dаngеr in the lives of farmers, this family had to suffer this freak accident,” one Facebook user commented on the story. “So sad.”

Following the tragic accident, many are calling for tougher regulations to be placed on manure holding tanks to prevent a similar incident in the future. According to All That’s News, the National Agriculture Safety Database says that there should be proper ventilation in areas where animals are stored and that warning signs must be posted nearby.

“In addition to adhering to proper construction and maintenance procedures for liquid manure storage facilities, owners should be encouraged to follow a few precautionary measures to protect both workers and livestock from harmful manure gases,” the NASD writes.

WASW reports that a similar unfortunate fate befell a Virginia family in 2007, when five of its members died as a result of a pipe blockage that caused a fatal buildup of methane gas.

The Blonde Bikini Bombshell: Whatever Happened to Bo Derek?

Children of the 1970s hold dear memories of Bo Derek.With her trademark golden hair, piercing blue eyes, and braided hairstyles that banished any bad associations, she was one of the most gorgeous bombshells of her day. Since her brief moment of fame, a lot of people have been interested in learning more about her life, including where she ended up, why she stopped acting, and what her present circumstances are. Check out what Bo is doing these days.

Bo Derek’s Formative Years

Before she was known as Bo Derek, Mary Cathleen Collins was born on November 20, 1956, in Long Beach, California. Working-class parents reared Mary in a conventional American home. Her mother was a cosmetics artist, while her father was a sales executive. When Mary was a teenager, she was very interested in two things. She loved horses and was first and foremost a passionate horsewoman. She would proudly display her talents as she competed in numerous contests. She loved performing as well. She chose to enroll in acting classes in order to hone such skills.

Bo first made the director John Derek, who would eventually become her husband, when she was just 16 years old. At the time, she was married to Linda Evans. It was only after a few years that they began dating. But in order to avoid the strict American regulations, they had to go to Mexico and Europe while Bo was still a child.

Soon later, John and Bo Derek tied the knot at the ages of 48 and 19, respectively. In an interview with Interview Magazine, Bo stated that she frequently felt guilty when Linda was around.I was at least partly to blame for some significant agony Linda Evans endured, according to Bo. She had been really thoughtful and courteous. Remarkably, I didn’t see her until yesterday. We were at a jewelry trunk show for charity. She was still as wonderful and delightful as ever. I always feel like sh*t when I’m with her. It’s still very much ingrained even years later.
Following that, John and Bo Derek began collaborating on projects. John would persuade her to show off her body in an effort to add some spice to his low-budget productions. This brought attention to his movies, but mostly to Bo because he was a well-known figure in Hollywood.

John Derek Was the Source of Her Braided Hairstyle Inspiration

John Derek designed the braided style for her most famous movie, “10,” although he did not direct or create it. He suggested that Bo show Blake some of his photos so that the man could judge them based on their appearance. She most certainly did. It was the late 1970s, and I asked, “How are you going to change the way you look since everything was fluffy and I’m blonde?” Bo Derek said, “I’ve always thought that would be a terrific look for me; John is a fantastic photographer.””And we tried it out. “Why don’t you show Blake these photos and see if he’ll be interested?” he said at that point. It would look great on you and be quite appropriate for the role.

Unfortunately, in 1998, John Derek passed away from a cardiovascular disease. He was seventy-one years old when he died. Bo stated that after his death, she never imagined that she would reestablish contact with anyone. The loss had devastated her.
Bo Derek, the Equestrian and Humanitarian

Bo Derek’s early passion for horseback riding seems to take precedence over her later years of fame. Even though Bo’s acting career was at its pinnacle, she made the decision to give it up. Instead, she became an activist and supporter of animal welfare. She worked very hard to protect and preserve the animals.
Bo Derek is not simply an animal lover. She also received an honorary appointment from the VA as the National Rehabilitation Special Events chair.Derek states that “VA’s National Rehabilitation Special Events promote the healing of body and spirit, which helps veterans improve their independence and live higher quality lives.” “I am deeply honored and moved to serve as the honorary chair of a truly noble cause on behalf of America’s veterans once again.”
Bo is currently married to John Corbett, the star of “Sex in the City.” They have been together for more than 20 years. They decided not to make any public announcements about their desire to marry in secret, in front of just their closest friends and family.

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