Taking good care of the plants in your backyard can bring you great satisfaction.On the other hand, it also offers a good deal of challenges. Occasionally, you could come upon strange things that leave you scratching your head. Recently, a Reddit user from Oklahoma found something unusual in their trees: a significant quantity of yellow jelly and what they referred to as a “jelly alien nut.” Confused and curious, they turned to the online community for answers.
This mysterious phenomenon was determined to be caused by cedar-apple rust. To complete its life cycle, it requires two hosts; apples and crabapples are the most common hosts. Although the name implies cedars are involved, juniper trees can also be affected.
How to Identify Apple-Cedar Rust
The symptoms of cedar-apple rust vary depending on the type of tree it infects. On the twigs of juniper bushes, brown, persistent galls may develop. When spring weather turns damp, these galls grow orange gelatinous horns. The juniper host is unaffected, however the twig farther away from the gall may die.
The leaves of apple or crabapple trees get circular yellow blemishes shortly after they bloom. As summer progresses, these lesions turn into brownish tufts of threads or cylindrical tubes. They are hidden beneath the blotches on leaves, twigs, and fruits.
Understanding Life Cycle
Now, you might be wondering how long this ailment lasts. Well, galls start to form seven months after the initial disease. After eighteen months, they turn into gelatinous lumps. The galls produce golf-ball-shaped depressions from which telial horns emerge the following spring. When it rains in the spring, the brownish telial horns spread out and become a vivid orange color. When they release their spores, the horns eventually droop, dry out, and fall off. After they die, the galls remain attached to the tree for as least a year. The infection is most noticeable in the spring when the galls are covered in gelatinous masses.
Managing Cedar-Apple Rust
Fortunately, there isn’t much of a treatment for this infection. Cut off the afflicted areas to prevent the illness from spreading. It’s crucial to keep in mind that cedar-apple rust won’t kill your trees—it will only damage the plants’ aesthetics. If you would rather be proactive, you can use fungicides or select apple cultivars that are resistant to this disease.
To sum up
In conclusion, even though you might not often see cedar-apple rust in your backyard, your trees are not in grave danger. It’s essential to comprehend this infection so that, in the event that it materializes, you can respond appropriately. Tell people about this information so they too can recognize and understand cedar-apple rust. I’m toasting to your productive gardening!
Conceited Woman Harassed Me in the Grocery Store, Shortly After, Karma Delivered Her a Public Lesson

One day, an angry woman stormed into a small grocery store, directing her frustration at a young cashier. The tension in the air grew thick as customers watched the drama unfold, but just when it seemed she would get away with her outburst, an unexpected twist left her humiliated.
The grocery store was cozy and familiar, with regulars like Mrs. Johnson, an elderly woman who always bought whole grain bread and flowers to remind herself of beauty in the world. The day began like any other for the cashier, who greeted customers while mentally counting down the hours until her shift ended.
Suddenly, the automatic doors swung open, and in walked a woman in her late thirties. Her hair was messy, and she wore a scowl as she marched toward the cashier. Following her was a small boy, who looked scared as he clutched his mother’s hand.
The woman confronted the cashier, angrily demanding to know why there were no organic apples available. The cashier apologized, explaining that there had been a supply shortage. The woman did not want to hear it and continued to berate the cashier, making a scene that drew the attention of everyone in the store, including the manager.
As the woman leaned in, threatening to ruin the cashier’s job with bad reviews, her son timidly suggested that they didn’t really need the apples. Instead of calming down, she snapped at him to stay quiet. The atmosphere in the store became increasingly uncomfortable as other customers observed the confrontation.
Just as the woman seemed ready to storm out, she turned to leave, but the automatic doors malfunctioned and wouldn’t open. She collided with them, creating a loud noise that silenced the store. Everyone stared, waiting to see what would happen next. Her face turned bright red, a mix of embarrassment and anger.
As she stood there in shock, her son tugged on her sleeve, gently telling her that she had been mean to the cashier and should apologize. His quiet yet firm words caught everyone’s attention. The woman’s tough demeanor softened for a moment, and it seemed she might finally admit she was wrong.
However, pride took over. Instead of apologizing, she mumbled something under her breath that didn’t sound sincere and hurriedly dragged her son out of the store once the doors finally opened.
The store buzzed back to life, but a strange silence lingered. The manager approached the cashier, asking if she was okay. She nodded, relieved but still processing what had just happened.
As the cashier resumed her work, she couldn’t help but wonder how the woman and her son would discuss the incident on their way home. Would the mother acknowledge her behavior, or would she dismiss it?
She hoped that the boy, Tommy, would remember the moment and learn the importance of admitting when you’re wrong. Perhaps he would grow up understanding that saying sorry is a sign of strength, not weakness, and that small acts of courage matter in everyday life.
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