Daddy Says It’s Time To Pray— Watch As Baby Girl Joins In Most Adorable Fashion

Most parents find it impossible to eat without their kids yapping and running around. But this kid touched our hearts with his impeccable table manners.

Millions of people have watched the 15-second video on YouTube. 38 million people reportedly watched a Facebook video that went viral.
In this video, the child is seen saying grace at the table with her family before supper.

Even though Eloise Invorvaia was only 20 months old at the time, she behaved better than most of us. Eloise is perfectly prepared to respond when her father signals that it is time to pray.

The first time the video was uploaded to YouTube was in 2016. The video was posted online by Liz and John Invorvaia, who were living in Indianapolis, Indiana at the time. The stunning family now makes their home in Waterville, Ohio. John oversees family ministries at Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church.
John made sure to clarify that they have to pray four or five times before each dinner because Eloise loves to pray. Quite a bit
There’s something so wonderful and endearing about this family tradition, and Eloise has won our hearts. The young child became so well-known that Fox News, The Ellen Show, and The Today Show all highlighted her.

Elizabeth and John said they are doing their best to teach their kids the right lessons when they appeared on Fox and Friends Weekend after the video’s release. John mentioned in his talk how consoling God’s love is always.

Eloise knew between 12 and 15 words at the time, her favorite being “Amen.” The toddler is obviously too young to understand the significance of saying grace, but it was a great way to start her life off right.

Observing children with immaculate manners is always enjoyable. Beautiful young woman Eloise has the best manners. She will surely grow up to be a good young woman who sets an example of proper conduct for others.Others will be motivated to follow in her footsteps by her love and kindness. There should be more toddlers in the world just like her. Let’s collaborate to improve living conditions on Earth.

WATCH : Sen. Tim Scott joined “The View” on Monday and it did not take long for the gloves to come off

South Carolina Republican Sen. Tim Scott joined “The View” on Monday and it did not take Iong for the gloves to come off.

The show began fairly light-hearted with Scott speaking about his 2024 presidential campaign, but ended up sparring with co-host Sunny Hostin after she pressed him to define “systemic rac ism.”

The conversation began when Alyssa Farah Griffin asked Scott about his optimistic message and his running on his Iife story of having overcome great adversity to live the American dream. Then, Hostin hijacked the conversation and attempted to spar with Scott over his positions.

The interview got so tense at one moment that Goldberg asked the crew for help when she was demanding Scott stop talking so they could cut to commerciaI.

Below is a partial transcript of the exchange:

HOSTIN: I am actually happy that you’re here. We — we — we have some things in common. You grow up — you grew up in a singIe-family household, single-mother household, I grew up with both of my parents but raised in the Bronx projects amidst a lot of poverty and — and — and violence. And you were the first black senator elected in the south since the reconstruction, that would be about — I think, about 114 years. Yet you say that your life disproves left—leftist lies. And — and —

Scott: Yes.

HOSTIN: my question to you is, I’m the exception, right? You’re the exception. Maybe even Ms. Whoopi Goldberg is the exception but — but —

HAINES: She is definitely the exception.

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