Carmen Dell’Orefice at 93: How She Overcame Painful Divorces to Reign as the Oldest Supermodel

In a world where early retirement often seems like the ultimate goal, there are those rare individuals who defy this norm by continuing to work passionately well into their later years. One such remarkable individual is Carmen Dell’Orefice, 93, celebrated as the world’s oldest working model. Let’s dive into her extraordinary journey and the lessons we can learn from her enduring career.

From humbling beginning to Vogue fame.

Carmen Dell’Orefice’s story began when she was discovered at the tender age of 13, in 1944. It’s hard to believe that such a fashion icon could come from such humble beginnings. Growing up, her family faced significant financial struggles. Modeling was just a glimmer of hope in a rather challenging upbringing.

Her first attempt at fashion was far from glamorous. In fact, it was an epic flop. But, as they say, the road to success is often paved with failures.

Just two years after her initial setback, Carmen graced the cover of Vogue at the age of 15. This was a monumental moment, marking the beginning of a legendary career in the fashion industry.

In 2023, Carmen was featured on the cover of Vogue Czechoslovakia, making her the oldest working model in the world. Her timeless beauty and elegance continue to captivate audiences globally.

She faced life’s hurdles, from financial struggles to failed marriages.

Carmen’s early life was fraught with financial difficulties. Her modeling work barely supported her family, so she and her mother also worked as seamstresses to make ends meet. This challenging period taught her resilience and perseverance.

1Her marriage to Bill Miles in the early 1950s added another layer of hardship. Miles exploited her career, collecting her modeling agency checks and giving her a mere $50 from her earnings. Yet, Carmen remained steadfast and continued to rise above these challenges.

Carmen then chose to marry photographer Richard Heimann. However, their marriage was also short-lived. When Carmen stepped away from the modeling industry in 1958, Richard left her.

Facing financial difficulties, Carmen Dell’Orefice made a bold comeback to modeling in 1978. Within just a few years, she was back on the covers of top fashion magazines, showcasing her timeless elegance. Ever since, she has been tirelessly working, featuring in numerous magazines, spearheading advertising campaigns, and strutting down catwalks for prestigious fashion brands.

She shared her secret to timeless beauty and longevity.

One of Carmen’s profound insights into maintaining beauty and longevity is the importance of self-care and self-love. She once said, “Men and women should care for themselves and love themselves. One of the secrets to maintaining beauty is doing what you do for a baby, nurturing and feeding the baby with love. That’s what we should do with ourselves: nurture ourselves, love ourselves, and give that kind of energy to ourselves.”

Carmen embraces aging with grace and dignity. She has never shied away from her age. Instead, she has used it to her advantage, proving that beauty truly knows no age.

Carmen’s unwavering passion for modeling teaches us that retirement is not an obligation but a choice. If you love what you do, there’s no reason to stop, no matter how old you are. Her life is a testament to resilience. Despite numerous challenges, she has continued to thrive, proving that with determination, one can overcome any obstacle.

Another inspiring supermodel is Daphne Selfe, 96, who still makes waves in the fashion industry and hasn’t given any sign of stopping yet. Read her story here.


In August 2017, Tony Alarcon’s phone rang unexpectedly.

Like many parents, he thought it might be a telemarketer. But this time, he answered the call.

Hearing from the school can be nerve-wracking for any parent. Tony immediately started worrying—was his daughter, Demetra, okay? Had something happened?

What he found out left him surprised.

It was a hot summer day in Northern California, with temperatures reaching 90 degrees. Tony had dropped off his 13-year-old daughter, Demetra, at school that morning. She wore a blue romper to stay cool in the heat, and neither of them thought the outfit would cause any issues.

Demetra, a student at Raymond J. Fisher Middle School in Los Gatos, California, had simply dressed for the weather.

Not everyone agreed with Demetra’s outfit. A teacher at her school said her romper was “too distracting” for the boys.

When the teacher told Demetra that her outfit was too short, her dad, Tony, rushed back to the school with a change of clothes—jean shorts and a tank top. But the school said those clothes were also inappropriate.

Tony was shocked. He asked Demetra to bend over and touch her toes in front of the school administrator. “Nothing is hanging out. There’s nothing inappropriate. I don’t understand this dress code rule,” he told TODAY.

Still, the school said her clothes were “distracting.” Since it was 90 degrees outside, Tony had no choice but to go to his car and grab a pair of leggings for Demetra to wear.

Demetra felt embarrassed.

Tony expressed his frustration, saying, “She’s just a kid. She’s only 13. She’s not trying to be a sex symbol. She just wants to be comfortable and attend class, but we’re not giving her that chance.”

This wasn’t the first time Demetra had been in trouble for her clothes. Just a week before, she was called out for a visible bra strap. “When I got dress coded last week, they said my bra strap was showing,” Demetra told the *San Jose Mercury News*. “Like, I’m wearing a bra—what’s the big deal?”

Tony, a successful investment advisor and father of two, didn’t let it go. Angry at what he saw as an unfair rule that mostly targeted girls, he took his complaint to social media. Parents from all over the country showed their support, agreeing that the school’s dress code was outdated and unfair to girls.

“Demetra’s not the only one. If you sit in the school parking lot, you’ll see that,” Tony said. “Lots of girls just want to be comfortable, but they feel forced to wear leggings even when it’s 100 degrees outside.”

Tony believed that parents, not schools, should decide if their children’s clothes are appropriate. He was also worried about how being told their clothing is a “distraction” to boys could affect young girls emotionally in the long run.

The story quickly got attention from the media, with major news outlets reporting on Tony’s efforts to change the dress code. While the school didn’t speak on camera, they did release a statement:

“The Los Gatos Union School District believes that appropriate dress and grooming contribute to a productive learning environment,” the district said. “Students are expected to wear clothes that reflect the core values of our learning community.”

Tony’s efforts made an impact. His push for change led the Los Gatos Union School District to reevaluate its dress code to make it fairer and less strict for all students.

Lisa Fraser, the school’s principal, explained that the dress code rules, called “Fashion Faux Pas,” apply to both girls and boys. Some of the rules include no hats or hoods indoors, no visible underwear, no inappropriate logos or words, and shorts must have at least 4-inch inseams.

“There has always been a dress code,” Fraser told a newspaper. “These are basic rules for appropriate behavior. I can set guidelines for the school, but I want them to reflect the community’s values.”

In the end, Tony Alarcon’s persistence started an important discussion about how school dress codes affect young girls — showing that one parent’s voice can truly make a difference.

What do you think about the school’s dress code? Have you or your children faced a similar situation? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments!

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