The discovery of an abandoned puppy chained to a tree was quite heartbreaking. The dog is now in good hands, and the owner is facing consequences, so thankfully this is a happy ending.
On April 22, while strolling with his dog through South Windsor, Connecticut’s Frank Niederwerfer Wildlife Sanctuary, a man happened found the abandoned animal, bound to a tree limb.
The dog was healthy overall, but his red eyes and pressure on his neck from the collar were clear signs of his suffering, as CT Insider reported.
An investigation into the dog’s desertion was started right once by the kind-hearted bystander who contacted the authorities. Even more generously, Desmond’s Army Animal Law Advocates offered a $5,000 prize for any information that resulted in an arrest.
The Tyler Regional Animal Care Shelter adopted the dog, who had a collar tag that read “Kobe.”
The shelter said that Kobe was doing well in spite of his trying ordeal. He received a microchip, vaccinations, and neutering.
“He is learning manners and personal space, and his eyes are almost healed,” the shelter wrote on Facebook. “Everyone who sees him is giving him attention, and he is LOVING it.”
Positively, Janiya Bradford, a 26-year-old Manchester, Connecticut resident, the previous owner, eventually stepped forward. According to police, she made her decision mostly because of the extensive attention she received on social media.
Sgt. Mark Cleverdon of the South Windsor police told NBC Connecticut, “I genuinely believe that the public’s strong reaction compelled the suspect to come forward and talk to us.”
Such abandonments are distressingly regular, occurring “every day,” according to community service worker Kaley Curtis. Finding the criminal, nevertheless, is uncommon.
Bradford was charged with animal abuse and was freed on a $5,000 bond while she awaited her June 5 court appearance.
Kobe, who is now going by “Obie,” has wonderful news: adoption will be possible shortly. His dislike of men means that his household must be exclusively female. Considering how much support there is for him, he should have no trouble finding a loving home.
That Kobe, who is now Obie, was abandoned in such a manner is tragic, but it is comforting to know that he is getting the love and care he deserves. May he soon come across a caring family! Do not hesitate to share this inspirational tale!
An 82-year-old woman was caught shoplifting in a supermarket store
An 82-year-old woman was caught shoplifting in a supermarket. “Please don’t call the police, I don’t want my grandchildren to know”. What happened to her afterward is unbelievable…
The number of people who struggle to make ends meet is way higher that we can even imagine. Not being able to provide for the family is an issue many struggle with, especially these days when the entire world is facing crisis in terms of lack of electricity and inflation. The prices of the basic products get higher and the number of businesses that are forced to shut down grows bigger. Finding a job isn’t as easy it once was. Life is hard for many, especially those who are unable to work because of various reasons.
One 82-year-old grandma was left to take care of her grandchildren. Sadly, because of her age, there was nothing she could do in order to get food. The little money she had wasn’t enough, so she was forced to do something she wasn’t proud of, steal food from a local shop at Via Casilina in Ferentino, Frosinone, Italy.

When an employee spotted her putting canned food in her bag, they confronted her. The grandma was scared and begged them not to call the police. “Please don’t call the cops; I don’t want my grandkids to know,” she kept repeating.
She then explained that she struggled to provide food for her grandchildren as tears rolled down her face.
The store manager was deeply touched by her story. Not only he didn’t call the police, but he let her take anything that she needed. He even told her to stop by whenever she needed food.
“Come grab what you need anytime you want; a few euros don’t matter anything to me,” he said.
We are glad there are still people there as considerate and as caring as this market owner.
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