Pregnant Homeless Mother Dog Lying Motionless in a Small Ditch

Her stomach is swollen. They initially mistook it for a massive tumor.

They hurried her to the veterinarian. As a result of the ultrasound, she has 2 babies in her stomach. She was in pain and was trying to cling to life for her puppies.

She required urgent surgery. Although the surgery was successful, just one puppy was rescued.
The Mama dog is still very weak and in treatment at Vet and the puppy is being taken care of; pumping milk.

Hopefully, God will bless Mama dog and her child. Thank you so much for saving this pure souls.
Police smash car window to save dog from 115F heat

Police were forced to smash a car window to rescue a dog from scorching 115F (46C) temperatures in Sarasota, Florida.
Officers were called to a car park on University Parkway on Tuesday following reports of a dog locked inside a car.
A dog, appearing faint, was found inside with no trace of its owner. According to police, the temperature inside was 115F (46C).
Matthew Grochowski, an officer for the Sarasota Police Department, was filmed smashing the window of the car in body camera footage of the incident, shared to Facebook on Friday.
“It’s panting and and drooling all over the place”, the officer says in the footage.
“Oh my god he’s starting to go down, that’s not good,” another officer, from the Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office Animal Services, adds.
With the backing of Sgt Louis Buck, the officer was filmed striking a back window of the car, and smashed it on the third try, with glass falling to the floor.
“It’s OK buddy,” the officer tells the dog, which appeared to be a form of pit bull. “Come on, good boy.”
The dog was taken from the back of the car, and into an awaiting kennel by Sarasota animal services.

Following the incident, the Sarasota Police Department issued a warning for dog owners not to lock animals inside cars.
“Please don’t leave pets in hot cars,” said the post, “[and] always remember to look before you lock for pets, children and elderly loved ones.”
The owner of the dog was issued with two citations by Animal Services, who returned the dog.
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