A month after the Tom Cruise rumors, Katie Holmes has confirmed the truth about their daughter in a rare interview.

In an uncommon interview, Katie Holmes revealed that she wants to “protect” the daughter she had with Tom Cruise.

After six years of marriage, Holmes and Cruise, the star of Mission Impossible, called it quits in 2012. Their split was widely publicized.

Holmes kept custody of the couple’s daughter, Suri, following their divorce, the circumstances of which were the subject of widespread rumors. Holmes has been open about the fact that not much has been seen of the now sixteen-year-old throughout the years.

At the age of 19, Holmes rose to fame when she was cast in the teen drama Dawson’s Creek.

“I remember really wanting to grow as an actor and not just do things to capitalize on the moment when we were doing Dawson’s Creek and it was successful,” Holmes said in an interview with Glamour Magazine. “I desired to pick up knowledge from others.”

However, the Batman Begins actress reached new heights after she started dating Tom Cruise, a Hollywood A-lister. Following the couple’s daughter Suri’s birth, media interest in their family reached a fever pitch.

As a result of the intense scrutiny, fresh paparazzi photos of Tom and Kate’s little daughter began to appear practically every day. In reaction, Katie decided to stay away from the spotlight in an effort to preserve the integrity of her little daughter. This led to a career hiatus that ended in 2011.

As previously mentioned, five years after being married in an Italian wedding, Tom and Katie parted ways in 2012.

It might not be all that surprising that the rumors went crazy since they were among the most well-known couples on the planet. There was much conjecture on the reason behind their breakup, with Holmes being regarded as being suspicious of the Church of Scientology.

In fact, Katie filed for Tom’s divorce in New York. This was allegedly done to increase her chances of receiving full custody of Suri—the law is against awarding shared custody to parents who are at odds with one another.

Holmes was able to make sure Suri was kept away from Scientology once she was granted sole custody of the youngster. Tom was not able to control the narrative, as he was accused of doing during his break with Nicole Kidman, because it was claimed that he did not see the divorce coming.

Either way, Holmes still feels the same intense need to keep her child safe.

Prior to the premiere of Rare Objects, her latest movie, the 44-year-old stated:

“I really prefer to protect my kid, which has been incredibly essential to me because she was so visible at a young age. I’m so appreciative to be her mom. She is a truly amazing person.

It was just revealed last month that Tom Cruise and his daughter had almost no interaction. The 60-year-old Top Gun actor reportedly hasn’t seen Suri in years and is no longer involved in her life, according to Page Six.

Do you like Katie Holmes or Tom Cruise? Do you believe that Katie is doing the right thing by keeping Suri private from the media?

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Betty, Dublin Zoo’s longest resident and oldest chimp in human care, dead at 62 — rest in peace

Betty, the chimpanzee that had been at the Dublin Zoo for the longest and the oldest living chimp under human care, passed away last week at the age of 62. She was one of the zoo’s most cherished and well-known inmates.

A zoo blog article claims that Betty had age-related ailments that were impairing her quality of life, and the tough choice to end her life was made to spare her from suffering in the future.

Although it is heartbreaking to lose Betty, she enjoyed a lengthy life that exceeded the average lifespan of a chimpanzee in captivity. According to the zoo, she was also the oldest chimpanzee in human care at the time of her death.

Team leader Helen Clarke Bennett of Dublin Zoo, who has worked as a zookeeper since 1987 and has known Betty for many years, paid tribute to her.

In 1964, a West African chimpanzee named Betty made her way to Dublin. Bennett notes that Betty participated in archaic practices like “Chimp Tea Parties” and that the Dublin Zoo continued to operate in the “style of the early Victorian era zoos” throughout that period.

Betty saw major advancements in zoo standards throughout her decades-long confinement. For example, in the 1990s, the chimp habitat was transformed from a metal-barred concrete “pit” to an island with trees.

Bennett claimed to have known Betty since the zoo’s early years since Michael Clarke, Betty’s father, was looking after her at the time. The chimp was “always strong-minded,” according to him, and would not give up on her goals.

After Wendy moved in 1964, Betty’s best friend, Wendy, became an integral part of her life for the majority of it. One of the cutest pairs in the zoo was formed by the two monkeys.

“Wendy had a cheeky side, but Betty could hold her accountable!” Bennett penned the piece. “When Wendy was obstinately refusing to go outside while the habitat was being cleaned, Betty putting her arm around her to encourage her to go outside with the rest of the troop will always be one of my favorite pictures.”


Betty and Wendy celebrated their 50th birthdays together in 2012 at the zoo. The zoo workers believed that Betty, who was devastated by Wendy’s death in 2014, wouldn’t be far behind.

She even managed to live on for a further ten years, rising to the rank of dominating female chimpanzee and earning the title of longest-serving inhabitant of the zoo.

Bennett stated that Betty experienced reduced kidney function and chronic arthritis in her latter years, which affected her weight and mobility. She was also under continuous wellness management.

They had to make the tough but humane decision to end the beloved chimp’s life after all medicinal and surgical alternatives had been tried. Even though Betty is no longer with us, she will always be cherished as a unique original and a zoogoer’s favorite for many decades to come.

“Although I am really saddened to bid farewell to a friend I have known since I was a young child, I am sure that Betty’s euthanasia was the right choice, ensuring that she didn’t suffer needlessly and preserving her dignity to the very end. That gives me a great deal of comfort,” Bennett wrote.

“Everyone here at Dublin Zoo as well as the many generations of visitors who were fortunate enough to know her will miss Betty terribly; there will never be another like her.”

Peace be with you, Betty. You lived a very long life, and it’s obvious that your loved ones and caregivers cherished you.

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