Do you remember these? Many finds mysterious tools in his grandparents’ home

A young man was recently going through his grandparents’ old things after they passed and showed an interesting find to a friend of his.

The two could not tell what these metal objects could possibly be until the found some information online.

The metal sticks are actually nutcrackers! Likely from the 1940’s or 1950’s, this type of nutcracker would be used to dig the actual nut out of a shell.

They help to get to the edible portion of any nut, but are especially common to help one properly eat a chestnut.

Nutcrackers like this were often in similar sets of seafood tools that included implements for cracking the shells of shellfish in addition to picks for pulling out the meat.

The nutcrackers could also often been found with a matching wooden bowl designed to look like a chestnut.

Many of us and our grandparents had similar tools at home, along with the fond memories that go with them!

Did you ever have nutcrackers or picks like this? Tell us about your favorite memories of them in the comments!

Melissa McCarthy, an American actress, shed 40 kg.! How does she now appear?

Melissa McCarthy is a charming and extremely intelligent actress. She has had a lot of success despite not fitting any of Hollywood’s criteria for weight. She was even nominated for an Oscar, and according to Forbes, she is one of the highest-earning actors. Her calling card was her weight. She receives a lot of criticism for her physique, but she has never felt insecure about it. The actress reached a weight of 110 kg.

But over time, she developed health problems that together put her at risk for diabetes and cardiovascular ailments. She sought the assistance of experts, and under the careful supervision of the nutritionist, she began to lose weight. She now mostly eats fruits, veggies, and protein-rich foods.

Melissa participates in kickboxing courses as a method of exercise. McCarthy has achieved rather impressive results while losing 40 kg. However, the actress no longer has any plans to slim down. She did, however, grow more attractive, healthy, and productive. She currently weighs 70 kg and is 157 cm tall.

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