Old Woman Brought Sons Favorite Pastry to His Grave And Found a Note upon Her Return, Story of the Day

For Nancy, her son Henry was everything. She couldn’t imagine life without him. It had been 23 years since the tragic accident that claimed Henry’s life, and every year on the anniversary, she honored his memory by bringing his favorite pie to his grave. But this year, something unexpected was about to happen.

For over two decades, Nancy, now 61, never missed a year. She would bake Henry’s favorite pie—an apple and cinnamon delight—and take it to his resting place. The scent of apples and cinnamon always brought back memories of her little boy eagerly running into the kitchen, his eyes lighting up at the sight of the fresh pie. It had been a tradition they both loved, a way for her to stay connected to him even after he was gone.

Since the accident that took Henry’s life at 17, this ritual became Nancy’s way of coping with her grief. The pain of losing him never truly left her, but baking the pie gave her a small sense of comfort, a way to feel close to her son.

On this particular day, as she carefully carried the freshly baked pie to the cemetery, the weight of the dish seemed heavier than usual. She placed the pie on Henry’s grave, gently running her fingers over the smooth stone that had become so familiar. “I miss you every day,” she whispered softly. “I baked your favorite pie again… I wish we could share it just one more time.”

With a heavy heart, she kissed her fingers and touched the gravestone, saying her quiet goodbye before leaving, as she always did. But the next day, when Nancy returned to clean up, she noticed something shocking—the pie was gone. Instead of the untouched or spoiled pie she usually found, the plate was empty. And on it was a folded piece of paper.

With trembling hands, Nancy opened the note. The handwriting was shaky, and it simply said, “Thank you.”

Anger surged through her. Who would take Henry’s pie? It was a private ritual, a way to honor her son, and now a stranger had intruded on that sacred moment. Determined to find out who had taken the pie, Nancy decided to take matters into her own hands.

The next day, she baked another pie and placed it on the grave, but this time, she didn’t leave. She hid behind a nearby tree, watching and waiting. After an hour, she saw a small figure approach. It wasn’t the thoughtless thief she imagined—it was a young boy, no older than 9, with ragged clothes and dirt on his face.

Nancy’s heart softened as she watched the boy kneel by the grave. He pulled out a scrap of paper and carefully wrote, “Thank you,” just like before. He wasn’t stealing out of disrespect; he was simply hungry.

As the boy reached for the pie, Nancy stepped out from her hiding place. Startled, the boy dropped the pie and backed away in fear. “I’m sorry,” he cried, “I was just so hungry. Please don’t be mad.”

Nancy’s heart broke for him. She knelt beside him and spoke gently, “It’s okay, sweetheart. I’m not mad. What’s your name?”

“Jimmy,” he whispered, ashamed.

“Well, Jimmy,” Nancy said with a soft smile, “you don’t have to steal. If you’re hungry, all you had to do was ask.”

Tears welled in Jimmy’s eyes as he explained how little he had to eat and how much the pie had meant to him. Nancy couldn’t help but think of Henry—how he had never known hunger, how he had always had more than enough. Jimmy, on the other hand, looked like he had been living with hunger for far too long.

“Come with me,” she said, standing up and offering her hand. “I’ll bake you a fresh pie, just for you.”

Jimmy hesitated, unsure if he could trust her, but eventually took her hand. Nancy led him back to her home, where she prepared a pie, just as she had done so many times for Henry. As the warm scent of apples and cinnamon filled the kitchen, Jimmy watched in awe. When the pie was ready, she placed it in front of him.

“This one’s all for you,” she said with a smile.

Jimmy took a bite, his eyes lighting up with joy. “This is the best pie I’ve ever had,” he said, his voice full of gratitude.

As she watched him eat, Nancy felt something she hadn’t felt in years—a deep sense of peace. For so long, she had baked pies for a son who could no longer enjoy them, but now, she was sharing that love with a boy who truly needed it. In some small way, it felt like Henry had brought Jimmy into her life, a reminder that love and kindness should always be passed on.

By the time Jimmy finished the last slice, Nancy’s heart was full. She realized that this unexpected connection was perhaps Henry’s way of showing her that even in her grief, she could still bring comfort to others. Maybe this was her new purpose—honoring Henry by helping those in need.

As Jimmy looked up with a smile, Nancy felt warmth and gratitude in her heart. She had found a new way to carry Henry’s memory forward, and it filled her soul with peace.

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Don’t Remove This Weed if You See It: Here Are 10 Reasons Why

Purslane, the typical weed in the picture, is actually a pleasant and healthy plant, which may surprise you. It is prevalent in lawns and gardens, and while getting rid of it could be tempting, there are many benefits to keeping it around.

Don't remove this weed if you see it. Here are 10 reasons why

Uncovering Purslane’s Advantages

Working on a community garden project gave me the chance to get knowledgeable about the advantages of purslane. I learned from an experienced gardener that purslane can be used as a garnish or added to salads because of its high omega-3 fatty acid content. Ever since, I have always made it a point to use whatever purslane I find in my own yard as a side dish. Now let’s explore the reasons purslane is valuable to have:

1. Fatty acids Omega-3Purslane is reportedly rich in omega-3 fatty acids, according to Mother Earth Living. These vital minerals support mental function, lower the risk of heart attacks, and can even be used to treat depression.

2. AntioxidantsAntioxidants, which are abundant in purslane, are also important in preventing cell damage and slowing down aging. Keeping purslane in your garden, then, is like welcome a formidable ally in the fight against aging.

Image: Purslane

3. Magnesium and CalciumInclude purslane in your diet if you want to keep your teeth, muscles, and bones in good condition. The elements calcium and magnesium, which are necessary for robust and healthy bodily structures, can be found naturally in this small weed.

4. AmmoniumAnother excellent source of potassium, which lowers blood pressure, is purslane leaves. You are moving in the direction of keeping your cardiovascular system healthy by include purslane in your regular meals.

5. IronContrary to popular belief, purslane is a good source of iron as well. Most people believe that the only foods high in iron are red meat and beans. Thus, you can increase your intake of iron by eating purslane.

6. Beta-CarotenePurslane is actually a strong source of beta-carotene, despite its green hue. The Chicago Tribune claims that this is one of the plant’s main benefits. Strong immune function and eye health are dependent on beta-carotene.

7. Drink plenty of waterSurprisingly, water makes up 93% of purslane. Purslane can therefore help rehydrate your cells, keeping you feeling renewed and invigorated.

Image: Purslane

8. Melatonin and glutathioneGlutathione, an antioxidant that shields cells from harm, and melatonin, a hormone that controls sleep-wake cycles, are both found in purslane. Thus, the health of your cells and your sleep patterns can both benefit from this small amount of marijuana.

9. BetalainBetalane is another potent antioxidant included in purslane. According to Progressive Health, betalain shields blood vessels from the harmful effects of cholesterol. For this reason, purslane may help lower LDL cholesterol levels.

10. GlutamineFinally, but just as importantly, tryptophan, an essential amino acid, is present in purslane. This amino acid has antidepressant properties and is involved in mood regulation. Therefore, you may improve your mood by include purslane in your meals.

The next time you see purslane growing in your garden, give it some thought before pulling it out. In actuality, this small herb is a nutritional powerhouse with a host of health advantages. Accept purslane as a beneficial addition to your diet and witness the health benefits it offers.

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