Mom Leaves Note On “Disrespectful” Son’s Door, And Now It’s Going Viral

It’s not easy to be a parent of a haughty, disrespectful adolescent, and parents use numerous strategies to discipline their kids.

A mother named Heidi Johnson shared a handwritten letter she penned to her son Aaron on Facebook. She had no idea the post would become very popular. She had no intention of making the post public at all. Although it was only intended for her friends to see, she is not sorry that she posted it online.

Johnson chastised her 13-year-old son for treating her like a “roommate” in a letter to him. She continued by giving him an itemized bill totaling more than $700 for food, rent, and other expenses. She would treat him like a roommate if he was going to treat her like that rather than his mother.

Johnson wrote, “Love Mom,” on the note, and she genuinely does adore her son. She wrote a second post in response, giving some more information on the circumstances. “I am not going to put my 13-year-old on the street if he can’t pay his half of the rent,” she promised parents who were condemning her. I don’t want him to make any payment. I want him to value the blessings and gifts we have, and to take pride in his house and surroundings.

She went on to say that she never meant for Aaron to cover the cost. Rather, she desired that him “acquire an understanding of what things cost.” Johnson wanted her kid to know “what life would look like if I was not his ‘parent,’ but rather a ‘roommate,’” so she penned the note. It was from the start a lesson in appreciation and decency.

Johnson added that her son had lied to her before she wrote the note about finishing his homework, and that he had said, “Well, I am making money now,” in response to her warning that she would be limiting his internet access. She clarified that the money he was talking about was a small amount of money he was earning from his YouTube channel, not nearly enough to cover his rent and food expenses.

Johnson’s relationship with her son has not been harmed by the public statement. “He and I still talk as openly as ever,” she clarified. He has expressed regret several times.

Since she sent the note to her kid, Johnson has also been asked for guidance by parents. As she puts it, “People feel comfortable coming to me and asking for advice, venting, or even just having someone bear witness to their experience by listening, opening up, and sharing a piece of myself in return. It seems like my post has opened a door.”

Born without a nose: This is what Tessa Evans looks like at 10 years old

Tessa Evans, who was born on February 14, 2013, was born without a nose, a rare condition that has sparked admiration and affection from her family and people around the world.

Tessa’s unique condition is known as Bosma Arhinia Microphthalmia Syndrome (BAMS) and there are fewer than 100 documented cases worldwide. Despite the rarity and complexity of her condition, her mother praises Tessa’s “charming” behavior and her “remarkable courage”.

Eight years into her journey, Tessa has become a symbol of resilience. She continues to do well and embrace life to the fullest, despite the challenges presented by her condition, which includes the inability to smell or breathe through her nose.

However, she can still cough, sneeze and catch colds. “It was pretty amusing the first time she sneezed”, recalls her father Nathan, “but we realized it was actually coming from her chest, which was a small but reassuring sign of normality”.

Tessa’s parents, Grainne and Nathan Evans, were stunned when their Valentine’s baby was born without a nose as the pregnancy was uneventful and there were no signs of problems.

A native of Maghera, Ireland, Tessa’s condition required immediate medical intervention. At less than two weeks old, she underwent surgery to insert a tracheostomy tube so she could eat and sleep comfortably.

At just two years old, Tessa achieved a medical milestone when she became the first person to receive a cosmetic nasal implant, marking a significant advance in the field and a remarkable solution to her rare condition.

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