This kind 8-year-old paid off his friend’s school lunch debt after he was denied food

Cayden Taipalus, eight years old, is here to restore your confidence in humanity, so do not lose hope if you feel that it has been lost.

This young man decided to take matters into his own hands after noticing that one of his buddies was not receiving a warm breakfast at school.

Specifically, Cayden witnessed his friend receiving a sandwich rather than a hot dinner at Challenger Elementary in Howell, Michigan, one day because there weren’t enough money in his lunch account. His heart was broken, and he felt compelled to change things.

After getting home, Cayden immediately told his mother what he had seen and that it had made him feel a little depressed. His mother, Amber Melke-Peters, concurred that action was necessary to stop incidents like that from happening in the future, so together they devised the concept of creating a fundraising website named “Pay It Forward: No Kid Goes Hungry.”

Cayden asked for donations to cover his friends’ lunch debts from neighbors, relatives, and friends. His endeavor, nevertheless, went beyond financial gain because many were inspired by his narrative as it spread.

In an effort to generate money on his own, he even launched a recycling drive. He then addressed the school’s lunch staff and asked that the money be transferred to the accounts of students who were having financial issues.

More than $41,000 has been raised since Cayden launched his effort, allowing him to feed many underprivileged pupils.

Cayden’s ultimate goal is to ensure that no child misses a school day without a hot meal.

“I am so very proud of my son,” his mother declared in an interview with ABC News. His understanding of this notion at the age of eight is quite remarkable, in my opinion. His heart is made of gold.

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What started as a stirring feeling in Cayden’s gut turned into an initiative that might guarantee that many kids have hot lunches.

Many people appreciated him and were motivated to support his initiative.

We think this is a fantastic initiative you choose to work on, and we contributed to it. I’m hoping that your idea has received a nomination for the Make a Difference initiative. Someone wrote, “Cayden, you have really made a difference. You have done an amazing job of helping a lot of kids.” You wouldn’t imagine that children would go hungry in a land of plenty, but in actuality, for a lot of youngsters, the food they consume at school can be their only meal of the day. It breaks my heart. As they say, it takes a village to raise a child, and by doing this, we can contribute to the upbringing of a few children while preserving their dignity.

Cayden’s tale serves as another reminder that with enough willpower and perseverance, nothing is insurmountable.This world is a better place because of people like this adorable youngster with a golden heart.Please TAG your loved ones and friends on Facebook to read Cayden’s motivational tale.

Vertigo Star Kim Novak Is Spending Her 91st Birthday with ‘Friends and Lots of Fudge’ (Exclusive)

Tuesday marks the 91st birthday for Kim Novak, the star of Alfred Hitchcock’s 1958 film Vertigo, who walked away from Hollywood over five decades ago.

“She’s spending her birthday having a picnic on her property with friends and lots of fudge,” says her longtime manager and close friend Sue Cameron.

Life is sweet these days for Novak, who lives quietly on the Oregon coast, surrounded by her beloved horses.

In honor of her 91st birthday, read on for an interview from 2021 in which Novak shared why she left Hollywood and found her true self.

How Vertigo Actress Kim Novak Spent Her 91st Birthday with 'Friends and Lots of Fudge'
Kim Novak in November 2023. Courtesy of Sue Cameron 

Over 50 years ago, Kim Novak, the enigmatic star of Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo, walked away from Hollywood. The woman who had once been the No. 1 box office draw in the world put her belongings in a van and drove north, first to Carmel, California and then two decades later to Oregon, to live her life as an artist.

“I had to leave to survive,” she tells PEOPLE. “It was a survival issue.”

“I lost a sense of who I truly was and what I stood for,” says Novak in a rare interview to talk about her new book, Kim Novak : Her Art and Life. published by the Butler Museum of American Art.

“I fought all the time back in Hollywood to keep my identity so you do whatever you have to do to hold on to who you are and what you stand for,” she explains.

“I’ve never done one of those tell-all books that they wanted me to do for so long, and I thought this is the kind of book I’d like to do,” she says of her art book. “Actually, I had written my autobiography and it was almost complete but I had a house fire and the house burned down and I made no copies. I just couldn’t go through it again because I had spent so much time. But it was okay because it was a catharsis just to do it.”

After starring in Picnic (1955) with William Holden, The Man With the Golden Arm (1955) and Pal Joey (1957), opposite Frank Sinatra, and Vertigo, with Jimmy Stewart, Novak was at the height of her career but still under the control of the studio.

As she writes in her book’s introduction, “I was both dazzled and disturbed to see me being packaged as a Hollywood sex symbol. However, I did win my fight over identity. I wouldn’t allow [Columbia Pictures chief] Harry Cohn to take my bohemian roots away by denying me my family name. Novak. I stood my ground and won my first major battle.”

Cohn wanted her to change her name to Kit Marlowe, telling her that audiences would be turned off by her Eastern European roots. She refused. In the late ’50s, she defied him again when she began dating singer Sammy Davis Jr. against his wishes and she fought to live her life as an independent woman.

“There was constant pressure to be seen and not heard,” writes Novak, “especially if you had a pretty face.”

“In Hollywood a lot of people assume who you are, because of the character you play, but also just because of who they expect you to be, how they expect you to dress,” she says. “It influences you because if you’re in some gorgeous sequined gown, you can’t run along the ocean and run on the beaches.”

VERTIGO, Kim Novak, 1958.
Kim Novak in “Vertigo” (1958). Everett

“I kept feeling like I was going deeper and deeper, lost in almost like a quicksand, where it’s swallowing you up, your own personality, and I’d started to wonder who I am,” she explains. “I realized needed to save myself.”

She found peace living and painting in the Rogue River Valley of Oregon and notes, “I needed the Pacific Ocean to inspire me, the animals, the beauty.”

“I wanted to live a normal life and a life with animals,” says the actress, who had always loved drawing and painting as a young girl growing up in Chicago. She was awarded two scholarships to the Chicago Art Institute before she was spotted by a talent scout on a trip to L.A. and her life changed course.

Once she left Hollywood, Novak returned to her twin passions: art and animals. “My teachers were the animals, not just dogs and cats, but other animals, horses and llamas, whom you have to meet half way, because they’re not ready to accept humans. I had to learn to win them over,” she says. “They understand a person who’s genuine so I had to become more real and that made me rely on my inner self — and that also encouraged me to paint. Everything seemed to flow from that.”

“You learn how to count on, not how you look, which is a big thing as a movie star, especially if you were recognized because of how you look,” she adds. “That can be a difficult thing when you change — but looks had nothing to do with it.”

She met second husband, Robert Malloy, an equine veterinarian, in the late ’70s, when he paid her a house call to treat one of her Arabian horses. She called him her “soul mate.” He died last December.

kim novak
Jimmy Stewart and Kim Novak in “Vertigo”. Richard C. Miller/Donaldson Collection/Getty

“I don’t feel 87,” says Novak. “I don’t keep tract of the time. If I did, I’d be an old lady and I’m not an old lady. I’m still riding my horse. I stay as healthy as I can.”

In 2012, Novak revealed she’d been living with bipolar disorder. “I don’t mind being open about who I am because these are all characteristics which make you who you are, especially as an artist,” she says. “Now, of course, I have medication for it but the best medicine of all is art.”

She’s proud of her favorite films, including Vertigo and Bell, Book and Candle (1958), and has fond memories, especially of her friend and costar Jimmy Stewart. Says Novak: “He didn’t let Hollywood change who he was.”

“People can remember me in movies but I want them to see me as an artist,” says Novak, whose paintings were exhibited at a 2019 retrospective at the Butler Museum in Youngstown, Ohio. “What’s great about painting is, you become the director too. No one’s telling you how to do it. You get to direct the whole thing.”

“I’ve been influenced a lot by Hitchcock in my work because he did mysteries and at first glance, I want my painting to be a mystery,” she says. “I love being the director, the producer, the actor in my paintings.”

“This is who I am. I want people to see I was not just a movie star.”

Looking back, Novak says, “I’m so glad I didn’t do the tell-all book, where you write all about your love life. That wasn’t who I was. This book tells who I am. I just needed to be free.”

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