He dug a hole in the ground and put a banana and a raw egg in it. It seems strange what he does, but the result is incredible!

Usually, I use them in the cooking, but I’ve lately discovered that eggs and bananas may also be very useful in the garden.

It may sound unusual because these are food products, not gardening supplies. They are supposed to be consumed.

But in actuality, eggs and bananas can both do amazing things for plants, and using them doesn’t need you to be an expert gardener with a green thumb.

Many people believe that gardening is a labor-intensive hobby that needs a lot of knowledge. It’s important to understand the individual requirements of each plant to ensure its growth and health, such as the quantity of water or sunlight it needs.

Because I don’t think gardening is my strong suit, I’ve been looking for easy tips that will aid me along the path.

And one of those ploys is this. All you need is a pot, a few eggs, and a bunch of bananas, but it gets millions of views on YouTube.

What therefore makes this gardening tip so well-liked?

As you can imagine, the secret is to produce plants and seedlings as effectively as possible, which is why using eggs and bananas together can be really beneficial.

Eggshells are an affordable substitute for fertilizers. Therefore, you can take advantage of eggshells’ powerful qualities instead of spending a fortune on expensive fertilizers. Rich in calcium and other minerals, eggshells are ideal for plant growing.

But it’s reported that utilizing an entire egg produces even better results. Different chemicals are released during the egg’s decomposition, which keeps the soil from rotting the roots.

Bananas, on the other hand, are packed with nutrients that decompose and release. Particularly banana peels are high in potassium, which is one of the most important nutrients for plants.

So, by burying these food items in the soil alongside your plant, you can make an efficient (and inexpensive!) natural fertilizer.

What you should do is as follows:
Take a pot and add roughly two inches of dirt to it. Put a banana and a raw egg in the middle of the pot, then top it off with more dirt.

After that, put the plant you want in the pot.

The nutrients in the egg and banana will slowly seep into the soil as they break down, giving the plant the nutrition it needs to flourish.

The fact that you can use stale eggs and bananas that would otherwise be thrown away makes this approach even better. Rather of just discarding them, you give them a new purpose—to support the growth and well-being of your plants!

You can see how to produce tomatoes by using eggs and bananas as fertilizers in the video below (or here). Excellent, in my opinion!

I will absolutely give this trick a try. I’m all for natural ways, so using eggs and bananas instead of fertilizers is a huge advantage for me! Not to mention the significant savings that this hack leaves you with due to its cost-effectiveness.

Please feel free to forward this to anyone you know who might find it useful. It’s ideal right now because spring has finally arrived!

Vet reveals the shocking reason you should never hug your dog

A vet has warned how a ‘hug’ can make a dog feel, and it’s not necessarily what you would expect
A vet has warned that it could be a bad idea to ‘hug’ your dog, as it could have the opposite effect on them to what us humans feel.
There’s nothing nicer than coming home from a long day at work to your furry friend scurrying as fast as they can to the door to greet you.
Your natural reaction is usually to bend down and give them a big cuddle, and whilst it might look like they’re loving every second – it might not be what they’re really feeling.
Dog experts are now warning owners to find different ways of showing their love.

According to a vet who spoke to Psychology Today, a hug can actually make a dog feel quite anxious and trapped – this is because a dog’s primary defence is to run away.
Psychologist Stanley Coren explained: “Yes, your dog may leap into your lap and kiss your face, cuddle against your neck, and beg you to rub her belly.
“But that’s not ‘hugging.’
“In my experience, many dogs don’t enjoy having a human move one or two arms around their shoulders and squeeze.
“That’s the hug we are talking about.”
Behaviour Vets author Lauren Novack believes dogs who do enjoy hugs are a complete ‘exception’, reports Daily Paws.
She said: “When dogs don’t like something and politely ask for space over and over again to no avail, they’re likely to escalate their communication to growling or biting.
“I don’t want dogs to be stressed, and I don’t want humans to get bitten. For most dogs, hugs are stressful.”

Stanley previously analysed 250 photos of dogs being given hugs, and he found that in 80% of the images, the dogs showed signs of looking stressed.
And he noted that this can be indicated by a dog lowers their ears, closing their eyes, or turning away from the source of anxiety.
And the psychologist has now revealed some much better alternatives.
He said: “The clear recommendation to come out of this research is to save your hugs for your two-footed family members and lovers.
“It is clearly better from the dog’s point of view if you express your fondness for your pet with a pat, a kind word, and maybe a treat.”
And the last thing we want to do is upset our furry babies, so we’re definitely going to take this advice on board!

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