Uncle left with third-degree burns after running into burning building to save 8-year-old girl

A Washington man is rightfully being hailed a hero after charging into a burning home to save his eight-year-old niece.

Reports detail how 20-year-old Derrick Byrd suffered second and third-degree burns on his face, back, and arms, having rushed into the building when he became aware his niece was trapped.

Speaking to KOMO-TV, he said: “Even though I got burnt, I really didn’t care, though. I’d rather get burnt than her. She’s young. She’s still got a lot of stuff going for her. She’s a good kid.”

Credit: ABC News

The fire, at a home in Aberdeen, Washington is believed to have started while Byrd and six other family members were inside, including his sister, Kayla, and her three children.

Byrd caught his nephews, Junior and Royce, when they jumped from a window on the second floor. His eight-year-old niece Mercedes, however, was too afraid to jump after having watched Kayla fall from the roof.

Without thinking, Byrd dashed back into the house to rescue her. Within moments, he could feel the flames on him.

“I could feel it burning me,” he explained.

“I got her and took my shirt off and put it around her face so she wouldn’t breathe in any smoke and I just carried her out as fast as I could.”

True hero

What’s more, despite suffering injuries, Byrd said he would do it again if he had to.

“I’d run back in there and do it again even if I got burnt worse or died.”

Commenting on all those dubbing him a hero, he simply replied: “I can’t say a hero. I’d just say for my niece and nephews, I wasn’t going to let them die.”

What a genuine hero Derrick Byrd truly is. In moments like that, people’s true colours are shown, and Derrick can certainly be proud of his.

Should You Rinse Ground Beef?

Ground beef is that reliable, adaptable ingredient that can be used to make delicious burgers, a substantial spaghetti sauce, or even a superb taco filling. However, there is a burning query that has been roiling in kitchens: should ground beef be rinsed before or after cooking? Gather your wit and an apron as we delve into the specifics of this culinary puzzle.

Supporters of Rinsing

Let us begin with the hygienic freaks in the kitchen. To cut down on fat content, several home cooks swear by washing ground beef. Yes, they really do think that giving your supper a brief rinse can be like a knight in shining armor, saving it from turning into an oily nightmare. If you’re trying to lose weight or you just don’t like oily, drippy food, this can be food heaven.

Reasons not to rinse

Hold your horses, or rather, your meat, for there is a camp opposed to rinsing in the opposite corner of the ring. Cooks like these cook that washing ground beef is like taking a one-way ticket to flavor town that takes a detour. Some contend that washing away whisks away the flavorful liquids that give your food its delicious texture. Consider this: the succulent flavor and delectable texture of your food come from the fat and fluids. Eliminating them could result in a tasteless, parched food that could even make your dog sneer.

Untidy Procedure and Plumbing Dangers

And let’s speak about the mess if you’re still not convinced by the flavor argument. When ground beef is rinsed, the kitchen might become a greasy wasteland. It’s not as glamorous as it sounds to wrestle the meat under flowing water, I assure you.

There’s also the dangerous risk to your plumbing. If you flush that fat down the drain, you’re essentially inviting a party that clogs pipes. Fat freezes more quickly than you can say “plumber bills,” which can result in poor drainage and expensive repairs down the road. The wise method of getting rid of fat? Allow it to firm and cool before scraping it into a trash can. And presto! The issue is resolved.

There you have it, people. The decision to rinse or not to rinse is ultimately a question of taste. Consider the benefits and drawbacks that we have listed here and make your decision depending on your gastronomic goals. The next time you’re preparing food using ground beef, keep in mind to choose a recipe that will give you the flavors and textures you want, regardless of whether you’re team rinse or team no-rinse. Salutations!

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